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CNAR Board of Directors

Credit: Lydia Nagai Photo

CNAR Board of Directors

2023 Annual National Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia

Conseil d'administration et comité

Le RCOR est fier de sa responsabilité financière et de sa bonne gouvernance et dispose de politiques et de procédures réfléchies en matière de contrôle et de responsabilité.


Notre conseil d'administration bénévole et dévoué possède une vaste expérience de la direction et excelle en matière de réglementation. Il est composé d'un groupe de professionnels issus de divers secteurs et régions du pays, qui représentent la diversité des domaines dans lesquels nous intervenons.

Le comité organisateur du Congrès du RCOR demeure indispensable pour examiner les propositions et élaborer le programme de l'événement le plus important de l'année pour le RCOR.

CNAR Board of Directors

Alice Kennedy headshot.JPG

Stephanie Price
Présidente du conseil d'administration

Vice-présidente directrice, Ingénieurs Canada

GlennPettiferHeadShot (002).JPG


Registraire et directrice générale,


Leigha Hubick headshot

Leigha Hubick

Registraire, Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Saskatchewan


Amit Banerjee, P.Eng. Administrateur

Director, The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta

Denitha Breau - Headshot.jpg

Denitha Breau

Registrar, Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

Margaret Drent

Margaret Drent

Directrice intérimaire de la déontologie, avocate générale et agente de la diversité, de l'équité et de l'inclusion, Ordre des audiologistes et des orthophonistes de l'Ontario


Glenn Pettifer

Registraire et chef de la direction, College of Denturists of Ontario

Sam Lanctin

Sam Lanctin


Sam Lanctin Consultant


Glenn Pettifer

Registraire et chef de la direction, College of Denturists of Ontario

Colleen Wetter

Colleen Wetter

Principal Lawyer,

Wetter Law

2024 Expressions of Interest – Serving on the CNAR Board of Directors

Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024, 5 pm ET

The application period for the 2024-2027 CNAR Board of Directors is now open. Expressions of interest are welcome from all eligible individuals (see below for eligibility requirements). Benefits of joining the Board include increased visibility and networking opportunities, along with complimentary registration to CNAR’s annual national conference. To submit your expression of interest for this volunteer position, please review the following information, then click the link at the bottom to apply.



CNAR’s Nominating Committee will review all expressions of interest received from eligible individuals. Please note that current Directors whose first three-year term is up are eligible to re-apply for a second three-year term; they will go through the same screening and review process as other candidates.

A shortlist of candidates will be asked to participate in interviews with the Nominating Committee via videoconference as part of the review process.

At the conclusion of the review process, the Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of nominees to stand for election at CNAR’s next Annual Meeting of Members (AMM), which will be held mid-June, 2024. The voting Members in attendance at the AMM will then vote to accept (or decline) the slate of nominees put forward.

All candidates will be notified in advance of the AMM as to whether they are included in the Nominating Committee’s slate of nominees.

Eligibility Requirements:

Eligibility requirements are set out in the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and CNAR’s By-laws. To be eligible to serve as a member of CNAR’s Board of Directors, an individual must be:

  • At least 18 years of age;

  • Not found by a court to be mentally incompetent; and

  • Not have the status of a bankrupt.     

In an effort to be more inclusive and strengthen the diversity of the Board of Directors, CNAR is pleased to welcome applications from all members, non-members, suppliers, Partners, and others with an interest in taking a volunteer leadership role with CNAR.


Term: Candidates should be prepared to commit to a three-year term. Directors may re-apply for a second three-year term when their first term is complete.

Time Commitment: The average time commitment involved in serving on the CNAR Board of Directors is 45 to 60 hours per year. CNAR’s Board meets five to eight times per year. Each meeting is approximately two hours. Typically, one meeting is held in-person on the Sunday prior to the Annual Conference in October, and the remaining meetings are held via videoconference. In addition, all Directors serve on at least one committee of the Board. These committees meet four to five times per year; each meeting is typically one to two hours. It is expected that Directors will come prepared to discuss issues during meetings, having read the meeting material, and will volunteer their time free of charge.

Duties of Directors: CNAR’s governance policies set out the responsibilities of Board Directors. Directors are required to supervise the management of the activities and affairs of the Corporation (as per the Act). In doing so, they shall:

  • • Act honestly, in good faith, and in the best interests of CNAR,

  • • Act with integrity, loyalty, and high ethical standards,

  • • Uphold the decisions made by the Board, regardless of any individual disagreement with such decision,

  • • Approach every issue with an open mind, impartially, without discrimination or favouritism, and avoid doing or saying anything to cause any person to think otherwise,

  • • Conduct themselves personally and professionally in a manner consistent with the nature of their responsibilities and the maintenance of public confidence in CNAR,

  • • Foster a collegial environment and conduct themselves in a manner that reinforces the integrity of CNAR amongst one another and with staff,

  • • Commit the time and effort required for the work of the Board and regularly attend Board meetings and meetings of committees to which they have been appointed,

  • • Be prepared for all Board meetings and meetings of committees to which they have been appointed and ensure that they are conducted in an orderly manner,

  • • Contribute their skills, experience, and knowledge at every reasonable opportunity,

  • • Regularly participate in the evaluation of the performance of the Board,

  • • To the extent possible, attend the CNAR annual national conference.

Directors are required to comply with CNAR’s policies in relation to confidentiality and conflict of interest. Directors shall not engage in conduct that takes advantage of their position or takes advantage of information obtained through their duties as Directors of the Board to obtain a personal benefit.

Skills and experience

Collectively, the board requires the following skills and experience in order to provide leadership and effective oversight of the organization.

  1. 1. Board: Experience as a director on a board of directors, understanding of the distinction between the role of the board versus the role of management.

  2. 2. Governance: Policy development expertise and legal background.

  3. 3. Leadership and Collaboration: Ability to inspire and provide direction to others, and to participate collaboratively in a team, with strong interpersonal communication skills. 

  4. 4. Strategic Planning: Ability to identify and critically assess strategic opportunities and threats to the organization. 

  5. 5. Risk and Controls: Familiarity with principles of risk management and controls, understanding of legal and regulatory requirements.

  6. 6. Relationships and Engagement: Ability to build networks and nurture relationships with communities and interest holders.

  7. 7. Financial Management: Knowledge of finance, accounting, and financial controls.

  8. 8. Relevant experience: Executive experience in a national or growing association or professional regulator. Experience participating in CNAR programming is an asset.8.  

For clarity, it is not expected that any one Director would possess all of the above skills, but as a whole, the Board needs these skills to be effective.

Note: While all of the skills above are desirable and applications from all eligible individuals will be considered, it will be considered a particular asset this year if candidates have Financial Management experience.


Aspects of diversity that CNAR seeks on its board include those related to the organizations represented, such as size, profession, and geographic location, as well as those related to individual directors (based on self-identification), such as skills, competencies, experience, gender identity, cultural or ethnic identity, and disabilities.  

Submit an Expression of Interest

Complete the online application form to submit your expression of interest no later than Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5 pm ET:


Prior to applying, please also seek confirmation with your employer (CEO or Board of Directors) that they support your application to join the CNAR Board of Directors, including the time commitment required.

Please note that CNAR may ask for verification for any information provided in your expression of interest submission.


Contact Alyson Gaffney, Executive Director, at

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