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Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation (“CNAR”) is a professional voluntary organization with a commitment to connect Canada's provincial and national regulators, licensing boards, accrediting agencies, examining bodies, and government officials at all levels to discuss challenges, share ideas and develop best practices related to a wide range of issues relevant to organizations engaged in the self-regulation of professions and occupations. CNAR is dedicated to maintaining high standards of privacy and confidentiality with respect to the personal information we receive in accordance with the principles set out under the Personal information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. 


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) details our practices concerning the collection, use and disclosure of personal information provided to CNAR.


By submitting personal information to CNAR or its service providers and agents, you agree that we may collect, use, and disclose such personal information in accordance with this Policy and as permitted or required by law.



We define “personal information” as any information, recorded in any form, about an identified individual, or an individual whose identity may be inferred or determined from the information. This definition and Policy do not cover business contact information (e.g., name, title, business address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address) when used for business purposes, or aggregated data from which the identity of an individual cannot be determined. CNAR retains the right to use business contact information and aggregated data in any way that it determines appropriate.



CNAR collects personal information about members, affiliates and non-members provided in writing, including via electronic media, verbally over the telephone or in person.



A visitor to CNAR’s website ( is not required to reveal any information such as name, street address or telephone number. We do not passively collect this information by electronic means. To access and use the CNAR portal and exclusive portions of the site, individuals need to provide certain personal information. We will only use this personal information to provide our benefits, services, and information to affiliates.



We collect information when a person voluntarily completes an online application form, event registration or online survey. We may collect information regarding speakers and conference attendees, including contact information, biographies, photos, and accommodations. We collect, use, or disclose this information in a manner consistent with this Policy. We also collect email addresses during the online application process, but you may indicate that you do not wish to receive unsolicited electronic communications from us. We comply with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation with respect to the sending of commercial electronic messages.



When a person wishes to utilize certain benefits like attending our Annual National Conference, CNAR may require both personal and business information. We collect this information for the purposes of delivering services. In addition, we may use this information for future marketing and communications purposes. You may opt-out of such use of your information by sending an email request to



We may collect personal information for the purpose of conducting voting for elections and on resolutions that may include your opinions and choices regarding individuals and issues.



We may collect information about your use of our benefits, services, or website(s) when you use our benefits, or register for, interact with, or use our services or website(s), contact us for information, or respond to emails, newsletters, or promotional or information communications. By accessing and browsing our website(s), you agree that we may collect, use, and disclose any information we collect about you through our website(s) as described in this Policy. Our web server automatically collects information about the pages being accessed and the date and time of your visit to our websites. We use this information to better serve visitors by managing our sites, diagnosing any technical problems, and improving the content of our website(s). For information on how you may opt-out of the collection of such information, please contact us at



CNAR uses only fair and lawful methods to collect personal information. We collect certain information from you for the purposes of fulfilling our objectives and mandate. These purposes include:


  • Communicating with our affiliates and determining their needs.

  • Providing benefits, services, and information to members, affiliates and non-members/affiliates.

  • Conducting voting for elections of individuals to volunteer positions and for resolution voting.

  • Managing our events and your participation in them including by determining and carrying out your accommodation, dietary and other needs.

  • Permitting partner organizations to provide benefits, services, and information to our community.

  • Managing our relationships with members, affiliates and non-members.

  • Distributing publications, invitations to events and programs, and other communications that may be of interest to members, affiliates and non-members.

  • Responding to questions and concerns.

  • Meeting legal or regulatory requirements.

  • Communicating for any other purpose for which we have members’, affiliates’ and non-members’ consent.

  • Using your personal information to generate anonymous or aggregated data that we will use and disclose in our sole discretion.



Our use of personal information is limited to the purposes described in this Policy unless we expressly tell you otherwise. We do not otherwise sell, trade, barter, exchange or disclose for consideration any personal information we have obtained from you.



As a general rule, we hold all information in strict confidence. Except in limited circumstances, we do not reveal this information to anyone unless you have expressly or implicitly authorized us to do so. In such cases, we will secure written agreement from these organizations that they will use the information we provide to them solely for the purpose of providing services to you or to CNAR. We will also secure their agreement, in writing, that they will not use, allow access to, or disclose, your personal information to any other party, except with your consent or where required to do so by law.



By providing your personal information to us, you agree that we may collect, use, and disclose it in accordance with this Policy and as otherwise permitted or required by law. However, we may seek your consent to use or disclose personal information after it has been collected in cases where we wish to use or disclose the information for a purpose not previously identified or expressed in this Policy. If you need to provide us with personal information about other individuals (such as your employees, employer, supervisor, etc.), you represent and warrant to us that you will obtain their consent where required by law and prior to your disclosure to us. Consent is required for us to use and disclose the personal information of these individuals for the specific purpose(s) for which you made the disclosure.



You may, at any time, ask us not to send you further marketing materials about our goods and services. If you do not wish to receive further invitations to events, you may unsubscribe or contact us as set out in the Contact Information section below and ask that we not contact you for these purposes.



We endeavour to ensure that any personal information provided to us and in our possession is accurate, current, and complete. If we become aware that personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, we will revise the personal information and, if necessary, use reasonable efforts to inform third parties. We do not actively maintain information of former members, affiliates and non-members and, for as long as we hold that information, we cannot assure the information is accurate. We keep your personal information only if it is required for the reasons it was collected. This period may extend beyond the end of a relationship with us, but it will only be held if it is necessary for us to communicate with you or to have sufficient information to respond to any issues that may arise.



You have the right to access and review the personal information we hold about you subject to certain restrictions recognized in applicable laws. We will endeavour to provide the information in question within a reasonable time. When we will not or cannot disclose information, we will provide the individual making the request with the reasons for non-disclosure. Despite our efforts, errors sometimes do occur. If you identify any personal information that is out-of-date, incorrect, or incomplete, please contact us and we will make the corrections promptly. We will also use every reasonable effort to communicate these changes to other parties who may have inadvertently received incorrect or out-of-date personal information from us.



Our website may contain links to other sites. This Policy only applies to personal information that we collect, use, and disclose. We are not responsible or liable for the privacy practices of third parties, and we strongly recommend that you review their privacy policies before you disclose personal information to them.



This Policy is in effect as of September 2022.   From time to time, we may review this Policy. We reserve the right to change this Policy, and any of our policies or procedures concerning our practices for handling personal information, at any time and without any prior notice. In the event of changes to this Policy, we will post a notice on our website at  and we will send notifications through email messages. Policy changes will apply to the information collected from the date of posting to CNAR’s website, as well as to existing information in our records.



We will respond to questions and concerns relating to our personal information handling practices and this Policy and do our utmost to resolve your concerns. Please direct your questions or concerns to us at the Contact Information listed below.



In the event of questions, please contact CNAR at

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